Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A messy 'Morning Clean up'

I had this impression of myself as a tidy and organized person until I opened my refrigerator today morning. Bachelors who stay alone are often compared to animals without a master. I must admit I too have adapted to that kind of a life pretty sooner than I started staying alone and the pleasures of it are unbelievable. But I got a shock when I opened my fridge to get milk for my tea today.

Usually I’ll jus get my milk and close it without even bothering to check what else I have in it. But today I noticed that there were too many vessels in there, all covered with a lid which aroused my curiosity to know what I had in them.

To satiate my curiosity, I stared at the bowls and randomly chose one and picked it up. I opened the lid to find a ‘dal’ curry which I thought hard for a minute and recognized was from a nearby canteen. I had bought it a week back and it had gone bad for sure. It hadn’t started stinking yet. Thanking all the Gods I knew, I forced the goop of slop into a plastic cover and flung the bowl into the kitchen sink. Phew! That wasn’t so bad.

Continuing my exercise, I picked up the next bowl and carefully opened the lid. I quickly realized it was the stir fried vegetables I had made myself when my brother was here for a week. Now which week exactly was he here???? Last?? The one before that?? I think yes, he was here two weeks ago!!… hmmmm this task was not getting better. I tried to slowly scrape off the veggies stuck to the bottom of the bowl with a fork; all the while remembering how badly I had tortured my poor little bro with this crazy experiment of mine. Anyway I managed to empty all my hard work into the same old plastic bag.

The next bowl I took was pretty interesting and different from the first two for the mere fact that I couldn’t recognize what was in it even after staring at the ceiling and thinking hard for five long minutes. There was this soft, uniform and web-like white layer of fungus growing on whatever the bowl contained. Admiring the white cottony layer, I poked into it with a fork to know what it actually was. To my surprise it was the chapati dough that was kneaded, I don’t remember when but seeing the looks of it, probably a month back! And it had stuck to the bowl so hard that I even bent my fork trying to get it out.

The next bowl I took out had rice in it. Now who would’ve known rice could go bad. The rice which was white when I’d made it had turned yellow now and I dint bother to remember when I’d made it. I overturned it into the bag and noticed that there was a yellow slime too at the bottom. Now, let me tell you that stank real bad. ! I said to myself… “Endurance dear .. Endurance”.

Finally, I decided I had had enough and decided not to open any more mysterious bowls today. I checked the fruits cabin and found 2 dead bananas which were yellow when I’d bought them, turned from brown to black over the course of the week. I sadly picked it up and threw it away. There was a mango in it which was still in the process of rotting. So I let it stay until it fully goes bad. I don’t intend to change, people… :D

After this heartbreaking exercise of emptying the fridge, I thought to myself, this is why I need my clean-freak mom to visit me once in a while. But if she had seen the refrigerator today, I’m sure she would’ve freaked out and probably sued me for the kitchen-crime I had committed. She keeps telling me what an animal I am but I never used to agree with her.
But today, Amma, you’re right.
You always have been!!


blah said...

I had this impression of myself as a tidy and organized person
Lesson 1 - dont assume
Lesson 2- dont do something today which u can do tomorrow

You could have made a nice modern art with the rot i think..

Nice one

Par said...

yeah u said it deeepak..
i still got some rot left back in there. probably ill take ur tip on it ! ;)

Hari said...

Awesome one dear! :) :)

Mom's are always right.. u know.. now my mom is behind me to learn cooking!

Bullshee said...

I lived like this for well over a year. My roomies knew me for my untidiness and wondered about how I managed to sleep surrounded by a mountain of unwashed laundry...

But somewhere down the line, ma's words flooded back and I started changing for the better. Today, I am known my neatness fetish. Several dirty plates have angrily been thrown at my faulting roomies...

You will get there one day, child. Till then...endurance dear...endurance...

Unknown said...

i love this!!.. i will send this to amma to read :p

Joker.... said...

I'm a kindred soul.... i undergo the same process once in a month.... was always scared to write it out for fear of grossing ppl out :)

Vishnu said...

Hehe :-) Never owned a fridge myself so thankfully have never faced this!

Par said...

@hari- do learn cooking. you'll need it where u re going next and in future too..

@bullshee- i jus hope that day comes. its been jus 3 months since i've been living alone and hence the savage behaviour.. lets see if it gets any better.. ;)

@ghng- my ma knws wat to expect of me but stil can i bribe u into not telling her abt this????????

@joker- oh well i guess conveying the 'yuck' factor doesnt gross all ppl out alike.. do rite abt stuff like that.. i'l surely read it!

@vishnu- i'm getting u a fridge next birthday :D

അനൂപ് said...

"The next bowl I took was pretty interesting and different from the first two for the mere fact that I couldn’t recognize what was in it even after staring at the ceiling and thinking hard for five long minutes."

This one sparked genuine laughter...Chanced upon your blog unexpectedly...Good work...keep writing...